What We Do
Mentor Teens
Operation Link-Up impacts youth through its innovative mentoring model. Our youth are empowered through small group mentoring, one-on-one mentoring and peer-to-peer mentoring. Our highly-trained mentors are matched with mentees each year. We facilitate monthly "mentoring weekends" that foster strong relationships between mentors and mentees.
Motivate Teens
Operation Link-Up motivates youth to excel by challenging them to excel through our weekly challenge and reward systems. Our daily code recitals, shooting stars goal exercises, home quality check-ups, L.O.E. (leadership excellence) and T.O.M. awards are built-in to our weekly programs. These exercises motivate our youth to strive for moral, academic and domestic excellence!
Mobilize Teens
Operation Link-Up mobilizes youth to channel their passion and energy into community contribution events every month. They are taught social responsibility by planning and carrying out community service initiatives in their neighborhoods! O.L.U. mobilizes them to be positive shareholders and agents of positive change.