OLU Application Process
#1 This Is a Membership Program
This mentoring program produces great results because the youth who participate in it are committed members. We understand that students have schedule and activity changes. That doesn’t prevent them from being a member of OLU. However, we don’t allow students just to drop in in an inconsistent manner.
#2 Complete Online Application
Please complete the application on this website. It is basic and helps us gather general information about the young person and their family. Upon receipt of the online application, we contact you to schedule a Parent/Guardian Meeting.
#3 Parent/Guardian Meeting
This meeting is required prior to involvement a youth in the OLU mentoring program. At this meeting we will explain our program vision and objectives. We also learn about the young person and family. It’s at this meeting that parent permission and release forms are completed.
#4 Youth Orientation
It’s at the Youth Orientation where the opportunities, expectations and privileges of the OLU program are explained. Participating youth also are required to complete commitment forms and behavior agreements. They are also introduced to the OLU Codes. Last and most importantly we learn about the interests and preferences of each new young person.
#5 Program Package
Following the orientation each youth receives their full program package which includes the following items: t-shirt, journal, program card, and backpack.
(These items are provided as part of the program entry fee)